
¡Hola! my name is Jesus Gómez. I'm a software engineer who specialises in Web Development. Maintainability, scalability, reliability and performance are my main focusses in my work. I'm a versatile engineer rather than single-specialty expert.

How I understand software as an engineer: prefer simplicity over complexity, readability over modularity, reliability over performance and wide but competent knowledge over little yet in-depth knowledge. I like clean code, modern standards and best practices. KISS and DRY are in my DNA.

Some of my various skills include full stack development (especially backend, but also frontend), a DevOps mindset and being strong in scripting and automation under Linux environments.

Continuously researching and learning new technologies and trends allows me a wide range of knowledge about the latest developments in the industry and therefore being able to choose the right tool for the job depending on the given situation.

I have more than 10 years of enjoyment working with different technologies but in the last few years I have been working hard and continuously with Docker, immutable infrastructure, CI, microservices and architecture.

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